The Ilyá muromets or Sikorsky S-22, was a plane created by Igor Sikorsky as a luxury plane that was equipped with armchairs, beds and bathrooms. The first idea of its creators was to be a passenger plane until the start of the first world war, where it was thought that it could be the first plane to load a large number of bombs and machine guns that would allow to be launched over the enemy field from a great height. It was an airplane with four engines located on the wings. The four engines allowed to increase the thrust which increase lift and lift more weight. Nowadays it can be a very simple idea, but at that time all airplanes had a single engine in the front. In addition, the four engines were placed as close to the fuselage of the plane to prevent, in case of failure of any engine, the uncontrol of the aircraft. Finally it was thought that if the size of the horizontal stabilizer was increased and two more stabilizers were added on the sides of the tail, they will great...