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Muromets: the first big plane

The Ilyá muromets or Sikorsky S-22, was a plane created by Igor Sikorsky as a luxury plane that was equipped with armchairs, beds and bathrooms. The first idea of ​​its creators was to be a passenger plane until the start of the first world war, where it was thought that it could be the first plane to load a large number of bombs and machine guns that would allow to be launched over the enemy field from a great height. It was an airplane with four engines located on the wings. The four engines allowed to increase the thrust which increase lift and lift more weight. Nowadays it can be a very simple idea, but at that time all airplanes had a single engine in the front. In addition, the four engines were placed as close to the fuselage of the plane to prevent, in case of failure of any engine, the uncontrol of the aircraft. Finally it was thought that if the size of the horizontal stabilizer was increased and two more stabilizers were added on the sides of the tail, they will greater the control. (we can see the triple horizontal stabilizer in the second image). Its wings were double, which allowed to have a greater wing
surface that increased the sustentation and improve the rigidity of the structure. This plane included many devices that without them, nowadays the airplanes couldn't be as they are and they can transport large amounts of weight and they can travel great distances.


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Questions about Rolls Royce's jet engine

Here I post all the questions I solved in the Rolls Royce's web page:  1-Why are turbine blades coated with a ceramic material? A)It makes them lighter  B)It helps make them stronger  C)It helps to stop them melting- D)It makes them a better colour 2-Why can’t titanium be used to make turbine blades? A)In temperatures over 600ºC where it rubs against other metals, it can burn- B)It is too dense and would be too heavy to use C)It is the wrong colour D)It is too expensive 3-Drag and drop the densities to the correct material: Titanium 6/4: 4.5g/cm3 Nickel alloy 8.2g/cm3 Partially yttrium stabilized zirconia: 5.1g/cm3 Nickel super alloy: 8.4g/cm3 4-What are the two main things engineers must consider when choosing materials to use in an engine? A)Colour and weight B)Cost and colour C)Weight and name  D)Cost and weight - 5-Which statement is true? A)To active the same amount of thrust you can either accelerate a Small mass of air

Maintenance Technician Course

In this post I will talk about how to obtain the title of superior technician in aeromechanical maintenance and how to obtain the license of technician in maintenance of airplanes B1.1 which is the necessary license to be able to sign in the documents of a commercial turbine aircraft. I will explain how to access these studies and what are the advantages of studying at the IES Son Pacs. I have selected some questions that may come to your mind before starting the course and that can help guide you. -How can I access these studies? As it can be accessed in several ways, in each course there are limited places for people who access through the bachillerato degree, other places for people who access by an vocational course of the same family or another family, there are also places for who access with an entrance exam to the university or an entrance exam to a vocational course. -Where do classes take place? During the first course, classes are held every Monday at the IES Son Pac

Back to work

We are already in a new year, after Christmas holidays we return to normal. It has been a vacation that I have been able to rest and thus be able to start with more desire the new year. This holiday I have been in Menorca with my family, my partner and my friends. The first few days I was sick and had to rest. But a week later I signed up for the course of Sant silvestre that took place in the town of Alaior. It was a very fun course. Here you can see the poster of the competition. These days in Menorca I have gone to many dinners and family meals, and I have eaten everything. I have also gone on foot and motorcycle tours on all the roads of the island.  Before returning to Mallorca, take advantage of the last days to go skiing to Andorra. It is a country that lives very well and the weather is fantastic. Too bad they don't have any airport nearby to be able to live there all year. On the ski slopes my partner and I enjoyed the snow skiing and sunbathing. Back in Mallorca,